Tag Archives: perennial garden

Pretty Peonies

Almost every day I pick up my camera and go outside to take a picture of something that is blooming around here.  It is hard to keep up with posting the pictures because after all, it is summer and who wants to be inside and in front of the computer?

Last week I snapped these photos of my many peonies.  I have moved these plants from house to house as we moved through the years.  I could never bear the thought of leaving them behind.  This collection is out in my front yard.
peony1The only peony that I have actually purchased is this white one.  Although it is pretty, it just does not have the same strong fragrance as the old-fashioned pink ones that I have transplanted and taken with me all these years.

I do love the white flowers mixed in with all the other varieties though.

I picked a huge bouquet of these beauties one afternoon to bring in the house to enjoy. I love to bury my nose into the flowers and inhale deeply.  What a magnificent smell!

peony3It turns out it was a good thing that I did pick some flowers that afternoon because we had a big rain and wind storm the following evening that really did a number on the peony plants, pounding and shredding the big blossoms that had already opened.

In addition to the large grouping out in the front yard, I also have peonies planted along the picket fence surrounding the vegetable garden.  These plants are from my first division of the peonies…maybe about six years ago?

All of my peony plants are overdue for another division.

They do seem perfectly happy however, so I am in no big hurry to create the extra work for myself.  🙂peony6I still have some peonies blooming, although they are starting to wind down now.  The heat and humidity of the last few days definitely hinder the longevity of the blossoms.

I have never taken the time to identify the variety of peonies that I have.  Any ideas?



Filed under Flower, Gardens

Prairie Fire Crabapple Tree

As I have mentioned, life has been very busy with a graduate in the house and I have definitely fallen behind in posting some of the pictures I have taken this spring around the farm.  I wanted to share this photo of the Prairie Fire crabapple tree outside our kitchen window.  This tree is such a delight, particularly when it is in its full blooming glory in late spring.


I have posted pictures of this tree in the past when it was loaded with honeybees (Our Buzzing Crabapple Tree).  Each spring this tree puts on an impressive show and it never disappoints.  If you are looking for a lovely ornamental tree to add to your landscape, I would highly recommend a Prairie Fire crabapple tree.


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Filed under Flower, Gardens

Garden Art

Life has been very busy here.  Our middle child graduated from high school a week or so ago and we had her open house a few days later.  Because of our late spring I was frantically trying to get my gardens in order for the party.  During one of my trips to buy annuals and a few other miscellaneous plants, I came across this funky little bird at the garden center.  I do not have a lot of garden art, but this silly piece caught my eye and I bought it.
gardenartAnd I am happy that I did.  Two weeks later and it still makes me smile…so I would say it was definitely worth it.



Filed under Flower, Gardens