Category Archives: Uncategorized

Join me at Wandering Garden Farm

Hello friends!

Just wanted to post a quick reminder that I will no longer be adding new content on this blog. I have moved to a fresh new space at WanderingGardenFarm to continue sharing our renovations, projects, gardening and other activities around our hobby farm.

My recent posts have included:

Designing and Building a Potager Garden

Redesigning the Screen Porch: Our Favorite Features

Starting Seeds Indoors

If you are interested in continuing to follow our journey, head over to my new space and check it out!  Find it here:

Stay home and stay well!


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Filed under Uncategorized

A Fresh Space – Introducing Wandering Garden Farm

Hello everyone!

I am back here in this space to share some exciting news! It was 10 years ago when I started dabbling in the blogosphere to record our renovations, projects and family adventures in this space at Just Two Farm Kids. At the time, we were neck deep in the chaos of raising three very active kids. I was stealing moments to write when I was waiting for them at practices, rehearsals, lessons, etc.

As you may have noticed, I stopped finding (or making) the time to write blog posts. I have nonetheless kept this blog up and running through the years to preserve all the content I created. It is amazing how many times we have referred back to this space to see how/when/why we did something in the past.

The kids have now all grown up, graduated and left home. Life is still busy and the projects have continued on through the years. The two of us continue to build, improve, renovate and create here on our little hobby farm. Lately I have been feeling inspired to start recording those projects again and sharing them with others who might have similar interests.

Since we are empty nesters now, the rhythm of our life has changed significantly. It seemed appropriate to start creating in a new and fresh space. So, I started a new blog – Wandering Garden Farm. I am migrating some of my most relevant content to the new site. You will find it in older posts.

In addition to our new projects and activities around the farm, I will be sharing some of our past projects and ever-ongoing renovations of our outbuildings. Although there are no kids here any more, we still have chickens, honeybees, flower and vegetable gardens, an endless to-do list, and lots of dreams! I invite you to follow along over at Wandering Garden Farm!



Filed under Uncategorized